Examples of apa style papers
Wednesday, August 26, 2020
World Religions Paper free essay sample
World Religion Paper (Rough Draft) By: Allison Workman The religion that I have decided for my report is Wicca. Wicca is the religion of Witchcraft likewise alluded to as the Craft. There are numerous fantasies that are related with the Wiccan religion. Witches don't perform ride brushes and they are not â€Å"bad or scary†individuals. Truth be told most witches are typical individuals we interact with consistently. I have learned many intriguing realities with regards to my weeks investigating this religion. Right now my site visit and meeting have not been finished because of family clinical issues with my source. Be that as it may, the meeting and site visit are both planned for April 3, 2011 I will endeavor to present a synopsis of those by mid week one week from now for audit. Look into Wicca and Christianity are entirely comparable from numerous points of view. Be that as it may, there are huge contrasts in the convictions of the gatherings too. We will compose a custom article test on World Religions Paper or then again any comparable point explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page Both Christianity and Wicca have an image that is noticeable inside the religion. Christians have the cross that speaks to the passing of Jesus to wash away the wrongdoings of humankind. Wicca’s image is the pentagram. Regardless of the reports to the opposite the pentagram isn't the image of a Satanist; in truth Satan doesn't exist in the Wiccan culture. The pentagram is the image of the four components (water, air, fire, earth) and the sprit which draws them all together. The two religions have bunches that adore together. Christians call these gatherings and they typically meet in a Church. At the point when a gathering of witches accumulate to venerate the gathering is alluded to as a Coven and they by and large practice outside however not generally. A few Covens will accumulate at the home of the High Priestess to venerate. Meeting spots will contrast from Coven to Coven. A significant number of the Ethical and Social perspectives on these religions are comparable too. The Wiccan Rede is â€Å"If it hurts none, do what you will†. Christians for the most part attempt to live by the Golden Rule. â€Å"Do unto others as you would have them do unto you†. These two expressions have a comparable importance. The two religions accept that ladies and men are equivalent in esteem as individuals. The two religions likewise acknowledge ladies in mainstream positions of authority. All Wiccan strict gatherings accept that ladies should hold strict positions of authority also; a few categories of the Christian beliefs are tolerating of this, yet others despite everything accept that men ought to be the strict pioneer of the family/church. The quantity of contrasts between these two gatherings is a lot bigger that the likenesses. One of the most striking is that Christianity is a monotheistic religion and Wicca is a polytheistic religion. While Christians love God. The Wiccans revere the God and Goddess at the same time. The Wiccan religion is about balabance so the love of the God and the Goddess implies the equalization, however the essential concentration to a witch is the goddess. Witches acknowledge homosexuality totally where Christians accept that homosexuality is a transgression. Christians adore each Sunday and Witches love on the 13 full moons of the years and furthermore perform ceremonies on the Sabbats.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Internet Make Us Lose Focus Essay Example For Students
Web Make Us Lose Focus Essay okIm an A Plan rascal myself. My fathers been there for a long time at this point! : ) I got my completely stacked 2001 Twilight Blue ZTS, excluding Advance-Trac or moonroof (DAMN IT!!!) for $15,000 in addition to burden, labels, service contract and the Protection bundle costs. Came out to around mid-16,000. I dont figure I did really awful. That is with entirely faulty credit and a 9.8% loan cost and no downpayment. My first BRAND NEW vehicle. hahahaha I figure I did okay, however I realize I got screwed on the last expense. Gracious no doubt, I got a multi year rent as well. I got the multi year/60,000 mile warranty.2001 ZX3, 5-speed. Force bundle, premium bundle, moonroof. Recorded for $15,200 and got it for $13,900. $12,900 after the discount. Ive possessed it for a month, have 1,600 miles, averaging around 29 mpg, with no probs! Love my ZX3 Mine was about $16,700 and I didnt have any cash for an up front installment. This was the S2 version however which has the european tuned suspension, spoiler, and moonroof, it had the 6 plate in run disc player likewise, yet I took that out and put in my television. I got my 2000 SE Sedan for $14,400. It had all choices short auto, ABS, side airbags, and calfskin. I truly needed the ABS and side airbags however wasnt going to hold on to have one uncommon arranged I had just been to 5 businesses that day and was pretty left to discover one so near what I needed. V, when managing for the vehicle, they will be pulling pranks on you to cause it to appear as though they cannot go any lower. At the point when they state I need to go look at this with my director, make it appear as though you are indifferent and have throughout the day pull out your gameboy or palm pilot and begin messing around. Ensure they realize that you recognize what you are discussing, and that the vehicle you are managing for is a trade off, not the one vehicle you have gone through your entire time on earth searching for. On the off chance that the vehicle has been on the parcel for some time, at that point its occupying valueable room and they have to dispose of it. In the event that it just jumped on the part, at that point on the off chance that they sell it immediately the holdback they get from Ford is unadulterated benefit. One other thing I discovered is that there is a plane club up in Wisconsin or Minnesota or something that costs 20 or 30 bucks to join however individuals get X-Plan evaluating from Ford. You might need to investigate that. Alter the spot is http://www.eaa.org and participation is $40.00. X-Plan is A-Plan + 4%, which would work out to around $1500 off the Focus retail cost, in addition to you despite everything meet all requirements for limits (like the new alumni markdown you are presently qualified for). Interestingly, in the event that you fund or rent, you need to do it through Ford Credit (well, you could generally get an advance from your bank and pay money for the vehicle).
Thursday, August 13, 2020
5n, n=1
5n, n=1 Im in Phoenix for the International Science Engineering Fair (ISEF). I got in yesterday, and last night I decided to take in the Arizona Diamondbacks-Washington Nationals baseball game at Bank One Ballpark. The game was exciting, with Washingtons Tony Armas Jr and Arizonas Shawn Estes having a nice pitchers duel in the early innings and a come-from-behind win by the home team thanks to a Troy Glaus three-run home run. Yet I couldnt help but think of Fenway Park and the Red Sox. Fenway, I think, is like MIT: when youre there, you can feel the energy running through the place, like everyone is excited to be there. Theres nowhere else like it. A Red Sox game will be one of the highlights of my MIT 5 Year Reunion, coming up in just a few weeks (can you believe it?). The weekend of MIT Commencement (graduation), usually the first week in June, is also the weekend of all the 5n Year Reunions (where n is a counting number). More featured events from my forthcoming reunion include a Class of 2000 Boston Harbor Cruise, a reunion dinner at Baker House (my old dorm), a Young Alumni Networking Brunch, and, perhaps the best of them all, Tech Night at the Pops: For 108 years now, Tech Night at the Pops has been one of the most beloved traditions at the Institute. Generations of MIT alumni, guests, graduating seniors, graduating graduate students and their families come together for an exclusive concert and a rousing rendition of the alma mater, In Praise of MIT. Once again Keith Lockhart will lead the Boston Pops with his trademark charm and good humor. This years event will also feature some homegrown talent. MIT Media Lab professor of music Tod Machover has composed a new concerto for a hyperpiano and orchestra. Machover, who has a history of breaking traditional artistic and cultural boundaries, also heads up the labs Opera of the Future, which uses computers to augment musical expression and creativity. Additionally, his concerto, performed by the Pops, will feature a visual component projected onto a large screen above the orchestra. This will actually be my first time at Tech Night at the Pops, and I must say Im looking forward to it. Symphony Hall will be full of just MIT folks; well have Keith Lockhart all to ourselves! (My mom thinks Keith Lockhart is dreamy) And of course the sure-to-be-off-key sing along of the MIT alma mater; feel free to join in: Arise All Ye of MIT Arise all ye of MIT, in loyal fellowship. The future beckons unto ye and life is full and good. Arise and raise your glass on high; tonight shall ever be A mem'ry that will never die, for ye of MIT. Thy sons and daughters, oh MIT, return from far and wide And gather here once more to be renourished by thy side, And as we raise our glasses on high to pledge our love for thee We join all those of days gone by in praise of MIT.
Saturday, May 23, 2020
The Role Of Father Involvement For Children Development Essay
his essay presents about Role in the father involvement literature trough the researches. To know the father involvement for children development. Further we present what different other nation’s father role and what is going changed. This paper is based on The Effects of Father Involvement: An Updated Research Summary of the Evidence(FIRA, Sarah Allen, Kerry Daly, University of Guelph). It is not to compare with father and mother, Knowing the father’s importance. This paper is for Students and someone who be a father. Know how the father is important to children development. Keywords: Development, Father, Involvement, Roles Cognitive Development Cognitive Development is a field of study in neuroscience and psychology focusing on a child’s development in terms of information processing, conceptual resources, perceptual skill, language learning, and other aspects of brain development and cognitive psychology compared to an adult’s point of view. Even a child’s cognitive development during early childhood, which includes building skills such as pre-reading, language, vocabulary, and numeracy. So cognitive development is important to grow those skills. Infants of highly involved fathers, as measured by amount of integration, including higher levels of play and caregiving activities, are more cognitively competent at 6 months and score higher on the Bayley Scales of Infant Development. By one year they continue to have higher cognitive functioning are better problemShow MoreRelatedFather s Role As A Child s Development1478 Words  | 6 PagesThe literature review examines the father s role as being very important to a child s development and brings out positive benefits when they’re actively involved. A father who is involved ensures a sufficient amount of cognitive ability, supports the child s educational achievements and awareness of overall health and social behavior. Fathers are more than just the second adult in the home. When involved fathers, biological or not, they bring positive benefits to a child that no other person isRead MoreWhy Father Is Important?1587 Words  | 7 PagesWhy Father Are Important Did you grow up without your father? If not, what if you did? How did it make you feel? What was the importance of your father’s presence and involvement in your life? As these are questions I’ve examined to see if a father’s presence and involvement are important to development. The father role present-day is continually diminishing from the values that constitute a traditional family. Non- traditional and single parent family structures are a growing phenomenon. AccordingRead MoreCognitive Development During Early Childhood Development1252 Words  | 6 PagesCognitive Development Children of involved fathers are also more likely to live in cognitively encouraging homes. Cognitive Development is a field of study in neuroscience and psychology, focusing on a children’s development in terms of information processing, conceptual resources, perceptual skill, language learning, and other aspects of brain development and cognitive psychology compared to an adult’s point of view(Schacter, Daniel L, 2009). Even a child’s cognitive development during early childhoodRead More Research on early fathers and mothers involvement and childs later educational outcomes831 Words  | 4 Pagesparents and the future assessment of their children in school. Previous to this article, little research was given to the individual long-term contribution that early parent involvement had in a child’s success in school. Flouri and Buchanan had three particular goals in mind while completing this research: (1) To explore the role of early father involvement in childrens later educational attainment independently of the role of early mother involvement and other confounds, (2) to investigate whetherRead MoreFather Involvement Of A Child s Life980 Words  | 4 PagesThe irreplaceable role that a mother plays in a child’s life has been under the microscope for years. There are many that feel that in order for a child to grow up â€Å"normally†, the relationship they have with their mother is a vital indication as to how their life will unfold. It has been said that the relationship a child has with their mother plays a big role in how they form relationships with others and if those relationships will be healthy. While the involvement of a mother in a child’s lifeRead MoreObstacles of Fathers in the United States1610 Words  | 7 Pagesengagement, and obstacles of fathers in the United States. The authors noted that fathers who participated in this survey range between the age of 18 and older. This telephone sur vey consists of fathers themselves answering questions related to their own fatherhood roles. Further, this article presents the results of the hundreds of American men promoting behaviors, such as agreeing or disagreeing about being involve, cohabitating or married to the child or children mother. This child may be an adoptiveRead MoreA Single Mother Working Three Jobs1637 Words  | 7 Pagesa little bit. I chuckle because I am now a mother, I see what â€Å"those friends†are doing in life now and I see what I am doing in life. That does not make me any greater of a person, but it makes me thankful for the raising I received. Without a father in the household, my mother had to wear several different hats at one time. By that, I mean she had to play several different parts as a parent. She was and still is an authoritative parent. My mother was the one to tell us no, to correct us whenRead MoreInfluence Of A Mother On A Child s Well Being And Development951 Words  | 4 Pagesa child’s well-being and development (Pougnet, Serbin, Stack, Schwartzman, 2011). However, research has shown that an engaged and loving father can contribute greatly to a child’s cognitive, social, and psychological development (Bronte-Tinkew, Carrano, Horowitz, Kinukawa, 2008; Duursma, Pan, Raikes, 2008; Pancsofar Vernon-Feagans, 2010; Wilson Prior, 2010). However, not just the mere presence of a father is enough to make a difference in a child’s development. Research has shown thatRead MoreThe Environment And Development Of Children1321 Words  | 6 PagesIntroduction Millions of children suffer from poor development. Environmental factors, such as family, school and peers, play a major role in the healthy development of children. This is a single case study that involves Anna, a 9 year old female with a history of social and cognitive issues. Anna attends a quality educational institution, but fails in her academic performance, in comparison to her peers. Anna is also overtly shy, which inhibits her from establishing friendships with her peers.Read MoreThe National Education Goals Of The United States1493 Words  | 6 Pagespromote partnerships that will increase parental involvement and participation in promoting the social, emotional, and academic growth of children†(National Education Goals Panel, 1998). According to the final report, there was no significant change in the level of parent participation in the majority of the states. The No Child Left Behind law established strict provisions for states, school districts, and schools w ith regard to parental involvement among the parents of disadvantaged students for
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Values Reflection - 805 Words
Values Reflection Jeremy Paasch CJA 474 August 3, 2015 Jon Sowers Values Reflection Values are the fundamental beliefs of a person, and they help guide us in making decisions and how we live our lives. Values are a part of our everyday life and in the workplace. In the workplace, these are the guiding principles that help to define how the corporation would behave. In this essay, the author will identify personal core values and discuss how we acquire and change values throughout life. Also will discuss what values do for us and the importance of values in the workplace. Identify core values For a person like me to be considered ethical, you would have to have a few core values that you would use in everyday life including†¦show more content†¦As a person I believe I have strong values and have made right choices in my life. I am a very honest and dependable person that makes a positive impact at home and the workplace. We gain out outlook on values from day one starting with our parents and on up to role models and our environment. These values can change depending on outside factors and events in our lives. Values help us differ from right and wrong and help us with decisions every day. One of the biggest venues for values is in the workplace where we face challenges and obstacles all the time. Working with others and on team’s present challenges where our values come into play on how we work cohesively. References Whisenand, P. M., amp; McCain, J. K. (2014). Managing Police Organizations. In P. M.Whisenand, amp; J. K. McCain, Managing Police Organizations (p. 33). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education. Yourdictionary.com. (n.d.). Examples of Core Values. Retrieved August 3, 2015, from Your Dictionary:Show MoreRelatedValues and Reflection Paper837 Words  | 4 PagesValues and Reflection Paper Enrique Riccardi CJA/474 - MANAGING CRIMINAL JUSTICE PERSONNEL January 25, 2014 Jason Husky Abstract Reflection paper will address some topics while reflecting on core values, brief description on how some professionals in the field acquire their own values and with time may change their values. It will give a definition of what values in the workplace are, and explain what these values do for us as professionals. In this paper the reader will also beRead MoreValues Reflection Paper744 Words  | 3 PagesValues Reflection Paper Brandy Alston University of Phoenix Managing Criminal Justice Personnel CJA/474 Professor Leroy Hendrix October 30, 2013 Values Reflection Paper Introduction Values are closely similar to what life means, life is relevant when an individual has accomplished a stimulating obligation for themselves. Values are deserving of an individual’s best accomplishment, values are merits for living or for dying. Values are accomplishments every individualRead MoreReflection On Values Reflection And Clarification1432 Words  | 6 Pages Values Reflection and Clarification Breonna Bastian Metropolitan State University Reflection Reflecting on our values and beliefs at times can be a very important part of our lives. It not only helps us become more aware of how we react to things or situations, but it also makes our decision - making easier in both our personal and professional life. When reflecting on my personal life, I am able to depict what inspires me, feeds my spirit, nurtures my personal growth, and what ultimatelyRead MoreValues Reflection Paper1304 Words  | 6 PagesValues Reflection Ursula Wilson CJA/474 November 18, 2012 Mathew Workman Values Reflection Every individual has a set of his or her own personal values that dictates how he or she reacts to situations in life and these values also define who he or she is. Values are significant and lasting viewpoints and principles shared by most people in society in regard to what is morally right or wrongRead MoreReflection About Values1336 Words  | 6 PagesValues play a keen role in how society is structured. They are the core of how generations geared their daily lives. People base major life decisions have values such as religious, political, dietary etc. Although, many values are set in stone some either tend to be switched a little, replaced, or just completely erased. As society progresses so does the way millennials think hence, newly emerging values like sociologist Hensley discussed. My family holds our values in a high place and are to pastRead MoreReflection of Values and What Matters925 Words  | 4 PagesEveryone is different, and with different people come dif ferent values. We all can’t come to one understanding of what should be an â€Å"important†value to everyone because we cannot see eye to eye one what we should value. There are many variables that create the difference between everyone’s values, whether it’s their past, future, morals, family, cultural, or life lessons. Being a young adult, I believe I’ve managed to find what I value in my life at this point where my life has brought me. I’ve comeRead MoreReflection1650 Words  | 7 PagesIan-Bradley Tancred This essay analyses and describes what reflection is and how it supports your personal and professional learning. It elaborates upon how and why recognizing your strengths and weaknesses are important and how they can enhance lifelong learning. It describes what arguments and assertions are, what the differences are between them and which one is better. Debnath describes reflection as a means of self-examination to learn from knowledge and experiences which will help transformRead MoreFreire s Theory Of The Oppressed And The Oppressor Collins, Brooks, And Kidd1628 Words  | 7 PagesFreire addresses in his Pedagogy of the Oppressed as he emphasizes how liberation transcends time, and atmosphere. Instead he chooses to illustrate a process which is embodied by acceptance of the oppressor, activism, fellowship, solidarity, and reflection, it is these components that create the means for a successful path to liberation, while simultaneously allowing for the identification of personal and societal growth (Paulo Freire, Pedagogy of the Oppressed). Brooks, Collins, and Kidd’s novelsRead MoreHow to Become a Great Leader1510 Words  | 7 Pagesthe achievement of our goals. As a company we don’t review the capabilities of each manager. I believe like the authors of this article that this cannot be taught or trained but thi s can only be achieved by continuous review, seeking feedback and reflection. Do you understand what you’re trying to attain? As mentioned by the authors it is a fact that most managers are disorganised, fragmented and even chaotic. I would agree with this statement and I would find my role to be more reactive than proactiveRead MoreThe Development Of A Pdp917 Words  | 4 Pagesbroaden the range of methods we employ. Reflection According to Lew and Schmidt (2011) the role of reflection in education has created an upsurge of interest amongst educators and researchers since Dewey’s 1991 ground-breaking work, which emphasized the positive roles that reflection might play in fostering students’ self-reflection, critical thinking, and in the demonstrable development of professional values or skills. The definitions of self-reflection, though heterogeneous, are united in their
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Renaissance and Middle Ages Free Essays
string(248) " sculpted subjects in authentic detail, for as Italian Leon Battista Alberti instructed in his 1435 Della pittura: â€Å"It will help, when painting living creatures, first to sketch in the bones, for they always occupy a certain determined position\." Historians call the period we live in Modern Times. Modern Times began with the Renaissance, one of the rare periods of genius in the world’s history. Beginning in the 14th century and reaching its height in the 15th, the Renaissance was a new age filled with remarkable accomplishments meaning â€Å"rebirth†. We will write a custom essay sample on Renaissance and Middle Ages or any similar topic only for you Order Now The Renaissance refers to the rediscovery by humanists of the writings of the ancient Greeks and Romans. The individualization of man began in this era, and it was during this period that man began to focus on the secular aspects of life rather than hierarchical Christianity, which was the stranglehold of the Middle Ages. The ordered, formalistic medieval society broke down and Europe emerged from the Dark Ages. The Renaissance was a period of discovery in many fields. Advances in science were numerous and contributed to the growth of the era. Beliefs and theories that were common during the Middle Ages were gradually being rejected and scientific investigation during the Renaissance lead to an increased understanding of the natural world. Along with discoveries in science, the Renaissance proved to be one of the great ages of fine arts, leaving a rich legacy. The art from the Middle Ages was revolutionized in the Renaissance and is one of the most prominent variances between the two eras. The intellectual energies of the Renaissance, however, came from the literature of many masters. Humanism was emphasized, which contrasted the church driven society of the Middle Ages. Advances and accomplishments in science, fine arts and literature made the Renaissance a golden period, which flourished far beyond the achievements of the Middle Ages. During the Renaissance, discoveries in science, particularly in astronomy, physics, and anatomy exceeded those of the Middle Ages. Vital to the growth of scientific investigation was a progressive rejection of astrology and magic, creed that was prevalent in medieval times. The scientists of the Renaissance rejected any sort of magic because observation and experimentation did not support it. Scientists of the Renaissance made many breakthroughs increasing their knowledge and understanding of the world. Important inventions were medieval in origin as well. For example, the magnetic compass that directed Renaissance explorers to Asia and the Americas was innovated in the Middle Ages. But it was the humanism that was brought out in the Renaissance, which separates it from the Middle Ages. Equally important to the development of science was humanism, for among the ancient writings that the humanists collected were those that inspired scientific research. Polish astronomer Nicolaus Copernicus challenged the ideas of astronomy and forever changed the way Western civilization looks at the universe. At Copernicus’s birth, Europeans believed that the earth was stationary, at the center of the universe, and all other heavenly bodies, including the sun, revolved around the earth. Copernicus used observation and mathematical analysis to overturn this concept. After careful calculations and observations, Copernicus realized that the earth both revolves around the sun and rotates about its own axis. The importance of Copernicus’ discovery was not only that he provided future astronomers with groundwork; he challenged pervious theories on astronomy and the universe. Studying the heavens, however, was very difficult as the human eye could only see so much. Italian astronomer Galileo constructed a telescope for observing the galaxy. With this device, he discovered that the surface of the moon was covered with craters, mountains and valleys, and discovered other satellites orbiting the planet Jupiter. The rationality and reason promoted by renaissance researchers would become increasingly important not only to science but to Western thought. Those who came after this period would refine its methods and techniques and open up much more of the natural world to human understanding, but they would always be indebted to the pioneering work of these early scientific thinkers. The Renaissance was also one of the great ages of art. It was an era of artistic experimentation and discovery led by famous painters and sculptors whose works are perhaps more than any other accomplishments representative of the Renaissance in today’s world. The art from the Middle Ages differed tremendously from the Renaissance. During the Middle Ages, the arts had reflected that period’s deep interest in religion. Paintings for instance, were either portraits of Christ, the Virgin Mary, the saints or illustrations of scenes from the Bible. In the Renaissance however, art became less religious in nature. Much of it dealt with more worldly subjects: portraits, of living people, landscapes, and scenes of everyday life. Religious subjects did not disappear entirely. Some of the greatest religious art dates from the Renaissance, such as Leonardo da Vinci’s 1497 painting the Last Supper, and Michelangelo’s 1504 sculpture David. Yet, there was a more secular tone to Renaissance art than to medieval art. This artistic shift came in part because the patrons of artists were often nobles nd business and civil leaders rather than, as in the Middle Ages, the church. A second difference between Renaissance and medieval art was the supreme importance of architecture during the Middle Ages. To the medieval world, architecture was the most sublime of arts because architects were responsible for the design and building of the great churches and cathedrals of the period. At this time, both painting and sculpture were used a lmost exclusively to decorate these church buildings. Although architecture remained important in the Renaissance, painting and sculpture were the chief arts. Again this change in emphasis had a great deal to do with the rise of the private patron: few, like the Catholic Church, could afford to finance a building but any one of whom could pay for a statue. A third difference between medieval and Renaissance art was the latter’s emphasis on realism. Renaissance artists tried to represent the human figure as realistically and naturally as possible. To achieve this realism, both painters and sculptors studied anatomy and the world around them. They worked hard to portray their painted or sculpted subjects in authentic detail, for as Italian Leon Battista Alberti instructed in his 1435 Della pittura: â€Å"It will help, when painting living creatures, first to sketch in the bones, for they always occupy a certain determined position. You read "Renaissance and Middle Ages" in category "Papers" Then add the sinews and muscles, and finally clothe the bones and muscles with flesh and skin. As Nature clearly and openly reveals all these proportions, so the earnest painter will find great profit from investigating them in Nature. Because of its close association with the observation of the natural world, this Renaissance realism came to be known as naturalism. Leonardo da Vinci is seen as one of the greatest artists of the Renaissance. Far more than just a painter, he was also an engineer, mathematician, inventor, architect, and writer. Moreover, he was a scientist, whose interests were in biology, physics, and chemistry. The ai m of his studies, particularly those in anatomy, was to make his paintings better. He believed firmly that studying the paintings of others alone would produce only minor work. However, a painter who also studied nature would, in his opinion, produce great art. The art produced in the Renaissance was a rebirth of the classical Greek and Roman works. After centuries of stiff representation, artists began again to study Nature herself, and to work from the living model. New ideas of grace, harmony, and beauty were cultivated into classic works that revolutionized fine art of that period from a sacred to a secular tone. Parallel to the development of fine arts, was an awakening of the human intellect through written works. Innovation and invention were the hallmarks of Renaissance literature. As in art, humanism influenced its literature through both its ideas and its focus on classical writings. A contributing factor to the spread of humanism was printing. Until the Renaissance, books were produced by hand. In 1465, the printing press was invented in Germany. Although printing technology had been developed in China as early as the second century AD, the 15th century printing press was combined with another innovation: moveable metal type. With this invention, came a rise in literacy. Books became available to everyone, significantly speeding up the spread of classical knowledge and humanist ideas. During the Middle Ages, only the clergy and a few others could read, whereas Renaissance readers came from all social classes. By the 16th century, about half the population of London could read and write to some degree. One of the most important developments that took place in Renaissance literature was the expanded use in books and poems of such languages as Italian, French, and English, rather than Latin. Although Latin remained the international language of Europe, Renaissance authors increasingly wrote in their native languages. The rise of the vernacular made it possible for the middle classes of Europe to read and write in their own language rather than Latin. Many prominent writers of the time such as Petrarch (1304- 1374), and Dante (1265- 1321) saw the use of the vernacular as a means of passing on classical virtues and knowledge to a far wider audience than was possible with Latin. The scholars Thomas G. Bergin and Jennifer Speake note: â€Å"Petrarch’s determination that the classical ideal should permeate every aspect of life led to what has been called the â€Å"humanism of the vernacular†: the ennobling not only of the native tongue, but also of everyday experience under the influence of classical models. †Poets and other writers were generally enthusiastic about the use of the vernacular, feeling that their native languages brought their work alive i n a way no ancient, outdated language could. Writers in the Renaissance era began to experiment with new forms of literature. In France, the great pioneer in vernacular writings was the French humanist Francois Rabelais. He not only experimented with writing in French, but he also began a new literary form, the novel. The result was the birth of the French novel, which ridiculed the medieval church and way of thought during the Middle Ages. This new kind of literature contrasts the writings of the medieval times which were mainly church inspired. Most writings were during the Middle Ages were done by Churchmen and most of it was in Latin. Biographies of the lives of the saints were extremely popular. The printing press in the Renaissance led to a rise of literacy in Europe; therefore the middle class was better educated. The rise of the vernacular also revolutionized literature in the Renaissance, which made it possible for the rising middle class of Europe to read and write in their own language rather than Latin. These breakthroughs in literature separate the Renaissance from medieval times. Emerging from the Middle Ages, the Renaissance was a new age filled with impressive accomplishments. The Dark Ages was a time in which the Church was the center of economic, social and political life while the Renaissance was a period in which human affairs and the advancement of Man were emphasized. Scientific discoveries made by many scholars such as Copernicus and Galileo revolutionized medieval theories on astronomy. If one aspect of Renaissance culture differed noticeably from the Middle Ages, it was art. Artists of this time period strayed from the stiff, religious mold of art to a more realistic approach to art displaying great detail and a variety of emotions. Advances in literature reformed the Renaissance. Inventions such as the printing press and the development of the vernacular led to the rise of literacy in all social classes, which greatly differs from the Middle Ages where only the clergy and few others could read and write. The Renaissance era crackled with energy, filled with remarkable discoveries and advancements. Many would have agreed with the French physician Jean Fernel, who wrote in the early 1500s: â€Å"The world sailed round, the largest Earth’s continents, discovered the printing press sowing knowledge, ancient manuscripts rescued, all witness to the triumph of our New Age. †How to cite Renaissance and Middle Ages, Papers
Sunday, May 3, 2020
Belonging the Crucible.Hotel California Essay Example For Students
Belonging: the Crucible.Hotel California Essay The whole song relates to an unwillingness to belong and a yearning to leave. As well as the unwillingness to leave, the mood of the song is isolated and this pertains to not belonging, which relates to the feelings of Tuba in the crucible. Tuba is out of place due to her difference in race and culture. Like in the song, she has no choice as to whether she leaves and is given virtually no rights, as a black woman slave. Related text 2: Visual text- painting 1977 by Peter Booth, Booth paints self-portraits built tromp his deep inner most personal thoughts and feelings. He uses thick brushstrokes and dark desolate colors to provoke negative emotions in his audience. A painting tot isolation, alienation, displacement and estrangement, This painting brings about a sense of not belonging in the audience through the expression on the mans face, the color scheme and his body language. His expression emotes sadness through his blank stare. He looks out of place and unhappy about it. The desolate color scheme suggests mayhem and busyness. The colors red, orange and black representative of anger, displacement and isolation and prevalent over the painting. The stance of the man (hands in his pockets) guests he is uncomfortable where he is, creating a feeling of not belonging.
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